There’s a love triangle at the heart of My Life with the Walter Boys, but the new hit Netflix series is really a story about family. Sarah Rafferty — who plays Katherine Walter, the show's matriarch to a bustling...
Sarah Rafferty brought some of her “Suits” expertise to her role of Katherine Walter in the Netflix adaptation of Ali Novak’s novel “My Life with the Walter Boys.” Katherine takes in Jackie Howard (Nikki Rodriguez), the daughter of her...
This summer, Sarah Rafferty starred in one of the most-watched shows to hit streaming — four years after the series ended its run. “Suits,” the legal drama that originally ran on USA Network from 2011 to 2019, has seen...
Wednesday on "The Talk" Sarah Rafferty chats with us about “Suits” and “My Life with the Walter Boys” and how her daughters have been trolling her on social media.
After her star turn in the smart, sexy legal drama Suits, fans wondered where Sarah Rafferty would shine next. Roles soon followed in Grey’s Anatomy and Chicago Med. Now, the Greenwich native is bringing life to a new character,...
To say Sarah Rafferty has had a surreal year is an understatement. Given that the writers strike and SAG/AFTRA strike sidelined the industry for six months in total, most people who work in the industry would agree that 2023...
Following the screening of My Life with the Walter Boys episode one, cast members Nikki Rodriguez, Noah LaLonde, Ashby Gentry, Sarah Rafferty, and Marc Blucas join fans for a live Q&A! My Life with the Walter Boys premieres December 7...
The creator and stars from the hottest show of summer 2023 are coming to the 2024 ATX TV Festival. Season 13 of the festival, which runs from May 30-June 2, 2024 in Austin, TX, has announced its first confirmed...